The crucial link between cholesterol, bone health and hypothalamic amenorrhea

In this article we will delve into the fascinating connection between bone health and cholesterol, two topics that your clients might not realize are intricately related… until their doctor runs tests and scares them with the results!

Many clients are very concerned about their bone health, especially if they've developed osteopenia or osteoporosis due to hypothalamic amenorrhea. Some may feel helpless, believing there's little they can do to reverse the damage, while others may live in denial about the seriousness of experiencing bone loss at such a young age, well before menopause.

You'll also encounter clients who are preoccupied with their cholesterol levels, influenced by years of misguided health information and fears of developing heart disease, particularly if it runs in their family.

And so already we’re up against a lot… 

As coaches we want to take them from a state of fear and or denial, to feeling empowered, where they understand that their bone health can improve (or deteriorate if ovulation is NOT restored). We want to help them realize that cholesterol is not something they need to fear but one of the most protective nutrients in the body. 

How do we achieve this? Through EDUCATION!

Coaching nugget: While much of the research on cholesterol is centered around its role in heart disease, where does bone health come into play?

  • For osteoblast function (bone remodeling), cholesterol has been found to be essential for SURVIVAL and function, along with bone mineralization.

  • Cholesterol is also required for the maturation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells (MSC). [Bone marrow is responsible for bone remodeling]. 

Why is this important to know? Most clients will have higher levels of cholesterol due to low estrogen. However, from time to time you may also find that your client's cholesterol is actually very very low. In HA, we tend to see both sides of the spectrum. So, if you're working with a client who has HA, osteoporosis/osteopenia, and is afraid of animal fats/proteins, it can be very helpful to provide them with the benefits of cholesterol when it comes to hormone and bone health.

If diving deeper into the WHY behind HA and the connection between cholesterol and bone health interests you, make sure to sign up for the HHAP certification. Our next round begins March 2024! 

Study references:

PS- You can find another coaching nugget on bone health due to HA here.


Does Low AMH Mean Your Client Can’t Get Pregnant Naturally? Get the Facts.


Tools For Tracking Progress in Amenorrhea Recovery Clients